Saturday, November 14, 2015

Last Night...

Last night was devastating. Not just for Paris, but for Japan, Lebanon, and Mexico as well. Lebanon, like Paris, experienced bombings, and Japan and Mexico both had earthquakes.

Pray for Paris.

Pray for Japan.

Pray for Lebanon.

Pray for Mexico.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Today I'm writing in my basement.

I've written most of my book so far in the upstairs of my house, so I decided to try for a different perspective, see what that does for my writing.

I always try to write wherever is the most appealing... sometimes that's in my room, sometimes it's in the recliner in my parents' room, and sometimes it's outside on my trampoline. Today, the spot that seemed the most appealing was outside, in the middle of street, among the blowing leaves.

I decided to write downstairs instead. It seemed safer.