Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Our society has a really screwed up vision of beauty. I'm so sick of seeing photoshopped women on magazine covers, and reading that people call Jennifer Lawrence (among others) "fat." I mean, have you even seen Jennifer Lawrence??
I am sad that such a lovely and talented actress/singer as Demi Lovato developed an eating disorder. I am sickened that Disney Channel mocks eating disorders.

I have a lot of thoughts about this that are really hard to process, but I'm going to try my best. (Disclaimer: When I talk about "starving ourselves," I am not referring to myself. I am referring to women in general, and I only use the word "ourselves" because I am a woman. I have never tried to starve myself, and I have never wanted to. I like food, and on most days, I like the way I look.)

I don't want to just make the same comments that everyone else is making. I don't want to just talk about the skinny/not skinny stuff. I want to talk about the whole big women-being-exploited-in-the-media business. And it's messy, so brace yourselves.

Women are exploited daily in the media. By men, and by other women. They are actively abusing themselves. I see it every time I go to the store, and read tabloid headlines. How many headlines are there about men in unflattering clothes? None. Because these tabloids prey on women. Shouldn't women be sticking together and defending each other, instead of belittling and degrading each other?

Fat-talk plays a big part in this. It's putting yourself down, making negative comments about your own weight. It's nasty. And a lot of women do it. Why? Why do we feel it's necessary to apologize for our weight? Why do women fat-talk? Why does society tell us that "fat" is ugly, but "curvy" is pretty? Why can't we all just accept ourselves for we are? WHY DO PEOPLE CARE HOW MUCH WEIGHT KIM KARDASHIAN PUT ON DURING/AFTER HER PREGNANCY??

(Ahhh. This post is getting away from me, and it's not nearly as eloquent as I was hoping it was going to be. Like I said before, my thoughts about this are hard for me to process, and form into words.)

Back to the media. That's what plays the biggest part in this whole big mess. Because we see those magazine covers, and we wonder why we don't look like them. We see those girls who have barely-there waists, and stick figure arms, and we know it's not real. But we still yearn for it, anyway. We still starve ourselves, and throw up any food we do eat. Why? Why do we do this to ourselves? Are the bodies God gave us not enough?

There's this fake, photoshopped beauty that's forced down our throats by the media. And then there's real beauty. Real beauty comes in ALL forms. Be it a curvy girl, or a girl who hasn't eaten all week. They're both still beautiful. Real beauty isn't about what's on the outside. I don't care what you look like. I really don't. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. If you're crying in your room because you get bullied at school, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. If you cut yourself, YOU ARE STILL BEAUTIFUL. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT. No matter what others have said about you. No matter how you feel when you look in the mirror. I'm going to tell you what the media won't: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

Okay, rant over.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I could not have said it better! You have nailed the issue if beauty that has rocked out messed up society!
