Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Friend Writing

I am in a writing group with three of my dearest friends. I've known them for twelve years, and I love them to death. Each week we bring something that we've written, and read it aloud. We critique each other's writing, but also discuss what we like. One of the guys in the group always has new ideas for who should be killed off, and how. Especially so that I can "improve my Jane Austen era story."

I also share my writing with another dear, dear friend, Katie. (Hi, Katie!!) I've never met her in person, but we've talked on the phone, and been emailing for years now. I send her my writing, and I know she'll always be honest with me about what needs to go. She's made me a better writer, and I am so thankful to her for that. I couldn't ask for a better long distance writing friend.

So this was kind of a short post, but my plan is to do a new post at least once a week, no matter how short.


  1. Hi Lizzy!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Thank you! You are the best long distance writing friend ever!!!!!!!! <3

  2. You two have been amazing for each other. Some day, we must get you two together in person! :)

    One of the best things we ever started was that writing group. There's nothing like a writing deadline every week to keep you creating. :)

  3. I've never been invited.
